
Cold Drinks...

JR always want's what mommy has. Usually I share, but I have a hard time when it comes to my diet coke! 
Plus what toddler needs that kind of caffeine? 
So I decided since this kid LOVES soda so much I would start buying him diet root beer, A&W of course. 
Now he is just like mommy.


Oldies but goodies!

Today I spent a LONG time organizing pictures on my computer. I also had a few phone pictures that I needed to make sure got saved. I ran across a couple in particular from 2010 that warmed my heart.

Chubby JR at Chuck'E'Cheese

These were taken July 17, 2010

I am grateful to be JR's mommy everyday, but finding old pictures like this reminds me to cherish every moment. He has grown so much since then. I can't believe he will be 3 in under two months!