
Big boy room

So I never did quite decorate JR's baby nursery the way I wanted to. I received a gift from my boss before he was born with the cutest little pant and shirt set that was monkey themed and she also included the most adorable matching monkey.

I thought this guy was the perfect inspiration for JR's room. I made a rag quilt to match and I got an orange crib skirt which gave a nice pop of unexpected color and brought out the smile on the monkey's face. I framed some of his preemie baby clothes in shadow boxes but never hung them up and I always planned on doing some other cute orange accents and just never got around to it.

Then I decided since I have a little storage cabinet in his room that has branches as hooks on the side of it that I was going to make his room a woodland creatures theme and I started sewing some felt pillows in the shapes of an owl, raccoon and fox like these ones...

I haven't finished any of them yet (story of my life) and now I have run out of steam on the project realizing that JR is going to be two in just over a month! I think what this kid needs now if a fun but more neutral themed room that he can grow into. I want to keep the basics the same, like his orange bed skirt and chocolate and tan accents. The furniture is already black so that is fine, but I think I will switch up the color palette a tiny bit. What do you think of this?

Never in a million years am I going to paint that, but I was thinking it would be so cheap and easy to bring in those colors with a project like this bunting...

There is the easiest tutorial here and she suggests putting beads between the pennants which I LOVE! She also has the most adorable matching pillow on her left sidebar but I don't know if I have the skills for something like that!

I am not in a rush to do it so if anyone has any more ideas for me give me a ring! We will totally set up a craft day and work on projects together!

When I do get it all done though I think I am going to convert the little man's crib into his toddler bed though. So sad he is getting too big! I am mostly not looking forward to him being able to get out of bed when he wants though!


Motherhood and my best friend...

I love being JR's mom and I don't know if he is just testing me or if he really just has the "terrible two's" or if he is just turning into a brat (sorry JR) but lately it has been tantrum central. I try and get him to talk and communicate but he prefers to have a fit instead when he doesn't get what he wants.

Today was one of those really hard days. I am always so relieved when Jared comes home because it always cheers JR up and Jared just seems to know how to get JR to listen. However Jared had plans to take out his special needs friend today so I knew I couldn't count on that for afternoon entertainment. My mom called though and said the family was all getting together for dinner in Nampa at Brick49 so I figured it would do JR and I both some good to get out of the house.

Boy was I wrong. Since JR started this whole screaming/tantrum thing a few weeks ago I have taken him a few places but they have always been kid-friendly and with his cousins or with Jared by my side to be the disciplinary and to give JR what I like to call "the look" when he acts out.

Jr did okay at first after we figured out he wanted Grandpa's strawberry daiquiri. He drank nearly half of it.

So I got him his own in a kids cup with a lid and straw and of course he wanted nothing to do with it. He did his newly learned behavior of slapping the table and waving his arms about to push everything out of his way and also screamed and squawked. I ended taking him out three or four times and spent more than half the evening outside with him, freezing with a runny nose, tears brimming in my eyes wondering what had gone wrong.

It's a really good thing that he is sooooo stinking cute!

I don't know what the point of this is other than to get it out and off my mind. I know I am not the only mom who has ever been in this situation or felt this way and that does comfort me. And I also don't think JR is a bad kid. He is smart and sweet and funny and helpful and so wonderful. I think in that time out there in the cold I just really realized that as JR's main caretaker I could never ever do it without a break once in a while and I have so many people who help me.

I have my job where I have a great co-worker, I have my mom who watches JR once a week while I work and  she and my dad take him other times too. I have my sister who knows how to make him laugh and smile like no one else can. I have my sister's-in-law who are great friends and who also provide lots of little cousins for entertainment! I have my brother and his wife who love JR and his mommy (even when we are cranky), and most of all I have my husband and best friend Jared, who really is the greatest dad. I don't think he knows it or would take credit for it, but I could not make it without him. He lifts me up when I am down and puts up with me when I am snappy and he knows that I struggle with my life as a mommy.

Jared, thank you so much. I love you for always being there and I realized tonight that I  really, really miss you when you aren't!


Webbed Toes or Syndactyly? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

As some of you may know already there are many members of my family who are plagued by a disorder called "Syndactyly" or more commonly known as "webbed toes". Webbed toes refers to the fusion of two or more digits and is common in many birds, amphibians and mammals but is considered unusual in humans and occurs in about one in every 2,500 human births.
It also occurs in many forms such as complete and incomplete and types one through five. I won't explain each type, only the type we suffer from which is partial simple syndactyly between the second and third toes. The skin between those two digits is fused part of the way up.
In my family this is clearly an inherited trait. Here is my family "Syndactyly" Tree

In short, my dad (Rich) has a father (Grandpa Fritzley) who passed down the gene only to his two sons, who in turn had daughters who all had the webbed toes. I so far am the only daughter to have any children and my son, JR, has them too. The curtest little baby webbed toes.
The question is, will he have sons who have daughters who have webbed toes?

Even more concerning though is what problems are commonly associated with this thing called Syndactyly that haunts us? The ever so reliable Wikipedia tells me that there are a number of things associated with webbed toes such as

So maybe I have never heard of any of those things before today, but it can't be good. It also noted that Syndactyly can be associated with Down Syndrome. None of us have been diagnosed, but I just hink it is worth mentioning...some people in this family reflect a hint of downs.

Anyway, contrary to popular belief having webbed toes does not impair my abilliy to walk run and swim. My laziness and fear of drowning are the only things that impair my athletic abilites. It does not improve your abitity to swim either, I am the numero uno example of this. 

What webbed toes does cause however is phycological stress. Probably the reason I can't swim is because of hiding my feet for years during activities where my toes might be seen, not because I had tubes in my ears like my mom says. Also I was ostracized as a child from missing out on fashion opportunities such as toe socks. I was the oddball out wearing toe mittens.

Totally not as cool.

If I start a Facebook page for Syndactyly awareness will you guys join my cause?


To-Do Lists and Haircuts

My to-do list for tomorrow?

  • Make Jared breakfast/lunch @o'dark-thirty
  • Do the dishes
  • Go back to sleep
  • Wake up
  • Feed JR
  • Hula Hoop
  • Pull out couch and sweep/mop behind it
  • Vacuum
  • Bathe JR
  • Convince JR to take cough medicine/nap
  • Bathe Bandit
  • Sweep/mop remaining floors
  • Look in empty fridge for dinner possibilities
  • Bathe self
  • Harrass Grandma Fritzley to take a picture of something for me.
Will it all get done? I will let you know!

On another note, JR wanted nothing to do with getting his hair trimmed on Thursday and barely had his bangs trimmed (I opted out for the clippers this time since I can't let go of his baby-ness and am going for more of a Justin Bieber look) before I gave up.
The bangs were kinda choppy due to head thrashing but at least it wasn't in his eyes anymore but I still couldn't stand the potential mullet that was forming at the back of his neck.
Enter: Domesticity. Every woman trained in the art of "Housewifery" can cut hair right?
I cut Jared's hair with the clippers all the time but it is super easy because I just do the number two all around! I have NEVER EVER cut anyone's hair with scissors before.
 After I had finished cutting and FB'd (Facebooked) about it I wish I would have googled the how-to's of hair trimming like Auntie D suggested. I Google everything else in life and can hardly even use a phone book because of Google so I don't know why I didn't...
Anyway, I don't think it is awful, but I think after another week of growth I will feel better about taking him out in public.



What do you think?


Merritt's closed on V-Day?

There is a completely trashy, hole-in-the-wall diner in Boise called Merritt's that has the best food and the best atmosphere. I used to go there on occasion with my friends in high school and college and when Jared and I were dating we used to meet there after work and have cheese fries.
We decided to go there on Valentine's Day to eat and remember old times but we were shocked to find it locked up and the lights out. Apparently it now closes at 4pm with the exception of Friday and Saturday when it is still 24 hours! Does this upset anyone else?


Recipe: Suagr Free Fruit Dip

You probably won't see too many recipes from me on here and if you do they will probably be desserts of some sort. But, in light of the lovers holiday tomorrow I thought I would post a little dessert that is both tastey and light.

Sugar Free Fruit Dip
Small sugar free cool whip container
Small box of instant sugar free pudding
   (I like cheesecake and white chocolate)
A couple flats of strawberries (or other fruit)

Wash and slice the strawberries

Set Aside. Add together in another bowl the thawed cool whip, pudding powder mix and one less cup of milk than the pudding recipe calls for (1 cup for the samll box). Whip together.

Set aside in the refrigerator to chill about 5 minutes before serving. Fondue forks are not a bad idea for large groups of people dipping fruit into the same bowl.

Another idea for larer groups or parties is to put the fruit dip into a disposable pastry bag and cut a nickle or dime sized hole in the bottom. Squeeze the dip into a mini shot glass, wine glass, or disposable party cup and layer with fruit like a parfait.


Why are husbands like dogs?

A few comparisons I have noticed between Jared and Bandit.

1. Both will not eat until I set something out for them.
2. Both need constant affection
3. Both of them have an unnatural attraction to my panties.
4. Without obedience training they will both soil my house and destroy my things.
5. The both have to be told over and over again before they will do something, i.e.
Jared: Wash your cup, put away your shoes, pick up your laundry
6.They will both do work for a reward, i.e.
Bandit: Sit, Stay = Beggin' Strip
Jared: Remember our anniversary = get laid

That's about it. I guess I could add in that they are also your best friend.


Hula Hoop Hottie: Update

As some of you may know I picked up a hula hoop for exercise. I thought I might do occasional updates on how that is going.
I want to say first off that if any of you should decide to do this make sure you get an appropriately sized hula hoop. Toys'R'us had two sizes and thank goodness I was smart and got the smaller of the two. I actually picked it out because it lights up when you use it but as I started practicing I realized it would have been hopeless if I had grabbed the larger one.
If you are big get a big one, if you are small get a small one.
Secondly, I got this idea to hula hoop from a co-worker who read in a magazine that it was a good way to exercise while watching TV, and since I don't exercise at all very much I thought it would be a good way to do it. Well that magazine didn't mention that you cannot do it with children, pets and ogling husbands around.
It also didn't mention that you still have to find the motivation to get off the couch and do it.
With all that said, it took me about three days before I could keep the darn thing up with out looking like a total idiot and I can't do it for very long (like 5 seconds and no you can't watch) but I am guessing all the effort it takes constantly picking it up and starting over again will pay off eventually.
In related news, Bandit will jump up and through it for a treat!

10 Guilty Pleasures

Here are a few of my favorite guilty pleasures, in no particular order...

1. Any Nicholas Sparks book or romantic novel
2. Chocolate truffles (Lindor's are ok, homemade are better!)
3. Diet Coke (duh)
4. Having my nails done (I miss that a lot since I had JR)
5. Leisure pants (all I wear at home basically)
6. Frozen Hot Chocolate (we get them 2 for 1 at Hastings happy hour!)
7. HBO's True Blood (Alexander Skarsgard anyone?)
8. My yearly Coach bag (I think I am due for one soon...)
9. Cyber stalking YOU!
10. Estee Lauder Beautiful Sheer (heavenly)

the Housewife Reviews: Facewash

This is my first post and while I didn't really want to do a review I am tired and the Mr has the big laptop so I can't download my own pictures so a review it will be!

Today's products?
St Ive's Apricot Scrub

L'Oreal Go 360 Clean with Scrublet

I have always been a St. Ives girl but when I was at the Wal Mart the other day they were of course out because they are always out of the stuff I make special trips there for. I HAD to get something though because I would die if I had to wash my face without scrubbing beads in it. So when I saw the 360 (I actually got the one in the peach bottle) and it had beads AND this thing called a "scrublet" for extra cleany-ness I could not pass it up!
I have to say that I was quite disappointed. The beads were not abrasive enough and the scrublet was way to gentle. I guess if I don't feel like my face is raw after I am done washing it then it doesn't feel clean. I will however use up the rest of this face wash because I am way too cheap to toss it out. I once used a moisturizer that I was allergic too until it was all gone because I didn't want to waste.
I am thinking however that once I am done with the wash I may hang onto the scrublet and test it out with my St Ives...