So my sister in law is super awesome and athletic and totally into healthy crap and has been trying to get Jared and I to try some Advocare products for a while. She drinks an energy drink from them called Spark and she has also done several cleanses and other products that promote health and weight loss. We never really wanted to spend the money or take the plunge and give up all our junk food and treats but finally hubby realized how much his weight was getting out of control and wanted to do a cleanse. I decided to do it with him so we could both just get on a more healthy track together.
The advocare cleanse is ten days days. It includes a fiber drink, herbal cleanse pills and probiotic restore pills. During the course of the cleanse you must eat eight to ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day, low sodium, low fat and lean foods in their most natural state.
After a $300 shopping trip to Costco on Thursday, we started the cleanse Friday morning.
Day one you drink your fiber drink and take three herbal cleanse pills. I mixed Jared his fiber up bright and early before work and had him take the pills at that time. I sent him to work with a V8, two mandarin oranges, an apple, a bag of carrots, some grapes and a can of tuna with a little salt and pepper and garlic powder. I probably should have sent more with him because that was his breakfast and lunch but oh well.
For myself for breakfast I scrambled some egg whites and topped them off with salsa. I ate a mandarin orange and some grapes. Later in the morning JR and I shared a sliced apple.
For lunch I had some tuna as well. I was going to eat it plain just like I had prepared Jared's but then I decided that since I actually like veggies I would doctor it up. I added chopped celery, yellow peppers and tomato and ended up wrapping it in lettuce like a sandwich. I ate carrots as well.
Jared said he was hungry after work and I thought he would want a snack but he ended up taking a nap. For dinner I made salmon with just a little Johnny's Seafood Seasoning and in another pan cooked up some mushrooms, carrots and green beans om a little bit of margarine with onion salt and garlic powder.

Jared said he didn't know if it was just because he was hungry or what but that meal in particular tasted awesome. I thought it was just good food in general.
That is awesome...I want to eat healthier too! I'm so bad with junk food, cookies, and overeating in general. Great post :)