
Nothing to show for it

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you got a lot done but have nothing to show for it? Today was one of those days for me.
Jared has about a zillion books out on shelves in the garage and they have been collecting dust there for about a year and since I have been on a spring cleaning kick I have wanted to get the dust off them and box them up.
I have been collecting the boxes our computer paper comes in at work and I actually packed up some of the books a while ago but it wasn't organized at all, plus there were some books around the house that needed to go in as well so I unpacked them and organized and repacked them. I also reinforced the boxes with duct tape since books are so heavy and I don't want the paper boxes falling apart.
I ended up with six boxes. Then I started going through all these other boxes full of random junk that was thrown in half hazardly when we moved. I tossed a bunch of junk, recycled a bunch of old papers, and set aside stuff to pass along.
Unfortunately I think the garage is a bigger mess now, plus I really want to organize my sewing and craft things now but the crazy voice inside my head is saying, "Katie! You must have boxes that are all exactly the same size!"
Yes.I am weird.
Anyways, this is what I have to show for my work today,a crappy picture of my boxed books...

Shout out to anyone in the Boise area who dumps these boxes after taking the paper out, give them to me!

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